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Author englabenny
Recipients englabenny
Date 2009-12-01.13:41:40
SpamBayes Score 3.6237816e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Python 3.1.1's open has no signature in the docstring so the
documentation for this builtin function is unfortunately very confusing
(IMO is missing the most important part).

>>> help(open)

    Open file and return a stream.  Raise IOError upon failure.


This must be a regression from the C port of the io module.

I'm keeping my eyes open for more issues like this. Python must be more
friendly to newcomers, but I have seen tendencies of confusing
documentation in Python 3.
Date User Action Args
2009-12-01 13:41:42englabennysetrecipients: + englabenny
2009-12-01 13:41:42englabennysetmessageid: <>
2009-12-01 13:41:41englabennylinkissue7417 messages
2009-12-01 13:41:40englabennycreate