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Author richo
Recipients loewis, pR0Ps, pitrou, richo
Date 2009-11-19.02:57:35
SpamBayes Score 4.785964e-10
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I looked into it a bit further.

With some trial and error I narrowed the source of the problem to be the 
'KernelModeDriverInstall' option under compatibility. I believe this 
isn't a problem, because python shouldn't be trying to install drivers, 
and even if it needed to presumably that would be nested in something 
loaded dynamically, rather than the original image so it could catch the 
issue and deal with it.

I will try to reproduce this on another machine to double check my 
logic. Thanks again for all your help Martin.
Date User Action Args
2009-11-19 02:57:38richosetrecipients: + richo, loewis, pitrou, pR0Ps
2009-11-19 02:57:37richosetmessageid: <>
2009-11-19 02:57:36richolinkissue7206 messages
2009-11-19 02:57:35richocreate