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Author richo
Recipients loewis, pR0Ps, pitrou, richo
Date 2009-11-18.05:38:31
SpamBayes Score 1.5793019e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I've done some more fiddling with the debugger, once I discovered the 
Windows symbol servers, and a tool called application verifier some 
things started to fall into place.

LuaPriv takes care of user privelidges, the program runs fine when I run 
it as administrator. I believe that disabling UAC has caused the issue.

I will attempt 2 things
a) Create a new user account on this machine to see if the issue is 
b) Try to fiddle more with the debugger to find the last python call in 
the stack.
Date User Action Args
2009-11-18 05:38:40richosetrecipients: + richo, loewis, pitrou, pR0Ps
2009-11-18 05:38:34richosetmessageid: <>
2009-11-18 05:38:32richolinkissue7206 messages
2009-11-18 05:38:31richocreate