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Author cgohlke
Recipients aheider, cgohlke, christian.heimes, jdetaeye, koen, lemburg, loewis, mhammond, ntouran, zhirsch
Date 2009-10-29.02:07:31
SpamBayes Score 1.721798e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Apparently the msvc9compiler_stripruntimes_regexp2 patch causes problems
for MinGW users. The following C program is using the Python C API to
import the testpyd extension generated by When compiled with
MinGW, the program fails with "ImportError: DLL load failed:..." if the
PYD extension is compiled with MSVC9 and the patch is applied. The
program works if 1) it is compiled with MSVC9, or 2) the testpyd
extension is build without the patch, or 3) the files
Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll are placed next to the
executable and the manifest is also embedded into the executable (e.g.
using mt.exe).

/* Import the testpyd.pyd module. */
#include <Python.h>
int main(void) {
        PyObject *p = PyImport_ImportModule("testpyd"); 
    return 0;
Date User Action Args
2009-10-29 02:07:35cgohlkesetrecipients: + cgohlke, lemburg, loewis, mhammond, christian.heimes, koen, aheider, zhirsch, jdetaeye, ntouran
2009-10-29 02:07:35cgohlkesetmessageid: <>
2009-10-29 02:07:33cgohlkelinkissue4120 messages
2009-10-29 02:07:32cgohlkecreate