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Author tarek
Recipients brian.curtin, dino.viehland, michael.foord, tarek
Date 2009-10-24.14:41:07
SpamBayes Score 2.8465309e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Notice that install_lib has a --no-compile option that can be used to
avoid compiling .pyc/.pyo files.

What I am adding now is just a gentle warning in case a compilation is
tried and sys.dont_write_bytecode is True, so the installation may
proceed nevertheless and it doesn't through an error.

For the 2.6 backport, it can be added in 2.6.5 I guess,
Date User Action Args
2009-10-24 14:41:10tareksetrecipients: + tarek, dino.viehland, michael.foord, brian.curtin
2009-10-24 14:41:10tareksetmessageid: <>
2009-10-24 14:41:07tareklinkissue7071 messages
2009-10-24 14:41:07tarekcreate