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Author tarek
Recipients lemburg, pitrou, tarek, techtonik
Date 2009-09-30.13:15:48
SpamBayes Score 1.7203387e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> I'm just suggesting to add the meta-data field in order to recreate
> consistency - not advocating that setup() parameter or its use.

Yes but fixing this inconsitency can be done on either side:
A - remove the maintainer and maintainer_email 
B - add the Maintainer and Maintainer-email in the metadata

While I understand your PoV about the fact that B/ is not impacting
existing packages and doesn't require any deprecation, I would like to
find some use cases for having such fields in the Metadata, other than
fixing the inconsistency.

If we don't have a use case, I'd go for A/
Date User Action Args
2009-09-30 13:15:50tareksetrecipients: + tarek, lemburg, pitrou, techtonik
2009-09-30 13:15:50tareksetmessageid: <>
2009-09-30 13:15:48tareklinkissue6992 messages
2009-09-30 13:15:48tarekcreate