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Author nickd
Recipients nickd
Date 2009-09-27.17:23:25
SpamBayes Score 0.007096072
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
str.title() capitalizes the first letter after an apostrophe:

>>> "This isn't right".title()
"This Isn'T Right"

The library function string.capwords, which appears to have exactly the
same responsibility, doesn't exhibit this behavior:

>>> string.capwords("This isn't right")
"This Isn't Right"

Tested on 2.6.2 on Mac OS X
Date User Action Args
2009-09-27 17:23:26nickdsetrecipients: + nickd
2009-09-27 17:23:26nickdsetmessageid: <>
2009-09-27 17:23:25nickdlinkissue7008 messages
2009-09-27 17:23:25nickdcreate