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Author tom_seddon
Recipients georg.brandl, tom_seddon
Date 2009-09-13.12:06:48
SpamBayes Score 2.4996671e-13
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Behaviour of "Locate" in latest Windows CHM file for Python 2.6.2 is 

I first spotted this with the optparse module, so this bug refers to 
the optparse module. It looks as if this is a global problem, though.

First, ensure one has latest patched Python 2.6.2 CHM file.

Sample repro steps:

- Load Windows CHM file (observe fully collapsed contents tree);

- Select "Global Module Index" in contents tree (note availability of 
"Locate" button);

- Click "O" link;

- Click "optparse" link.

Note that contents remains collapsed and "Locate" button is 
unavailable. This makes navigating through the page a bit tiring. The 
Find functionality in the CHM viewer isn't great.

Also try:

- Load Windows CHM file;

- Select Index;

- Enter "optparse" in keyword field;

- Select "optparse (module)" entry in index.

Note lack of Locate button. This looks to be the same thing as 
selecting optparse from the module index (as it maybe is).

Also try:

- Load Windows CHM file;

- Expand "The Python Standard Library" folder in contents;

- ...expand "Generic Operating System Services" folder in contents;

- Click "optparse --- More powerful command line option parser" folder 
in contents (note optparse page appears again, but this time you can 
see the location line at the top, and Locate button remains available);

If one then collapses the "The Python Standard Library" folder, one is 
then almost where one was in the first set of steps. This time, though, 
one may click "Locate" to find the entry in the contents so that the 
page is a bit easier to navigate.

Also try:

- Load Windows CHM file;

- Select "Global Module Index" from content;

- Click "C" link;

- Select "Carbon.AE" link (note availability of Locate button).

In this case, the Locate button IS available. Same goes for some other 
sub-libraries -- e.g. compiler.ast and wsgiref.handlers -- but not all 
-- e.g., xml.dom.

Expected behaviour:

When navigating to any module's doc page from its entry in the global 
module index, or its entry in the index, or indeed by following any 
link in the docs, it should be possible to click "Locate" to find it in 
the contents tree. The document search facilities in the CHM viewer are 
a bit lame, so having the contents tree at hand is very useful (I might 
say essential -- but that could just be me).

(This was less of an issue in previous versions of the docs, because 
the pages were split up into parts, so one could use Back once or twice 
to get to the contents then click a link to go straight to the desired 

Date User Action Args
2009-09-13 12:06:51tom_seddonsetrecipients: + tom_seddon, georg.brandl
2009-09-13 12:06:51tom_seddonsetmessageid: <>
2009-09-13 12:06:49tom_seddonlinkissue6900 messages
2009-09-13 12:06:48tom_seddoncreate