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Author jakemcguire
Recipients jakemcguire
Date 2009-08-27.21:08:17
SpamBayes Score 0.00013332877
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
As of Python 2.6 you can no longer pass an array to 

Issue1065257 added code to httplib to attempt to determine whether a 
file-like object was passed to certain methods (e.g. send), and to 
stream the data if so.

The patch uses "hasattr(obj, 'read')" as a proxy for "is a file-like 

array.array objects have a method called "read" that is almost entirely 
disanalogous to the "read" method on a file-like object.

Hilarity ensues.
Date User Action Args
2009-08-27 21:08:19jakemcguiresetrecipients: + jakemcguire
2009-08-27 21:08:19jakemcguiresetmessageid: <>
2009-08-27 21:08:18jakemcguirelinkissue6790 messages
2009-08-27 21:08:17jakemcguirecreate