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Author vinoth
Recipients vinoth
Date 2009-06-29.13:30:38
SpamBayes Score 3.5294545e-12
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
HI all 

I am not the too technical guy, but thinking about the new way of
controlling the flow instead of throwing an error.

as of now if we need to break a control and go back exceptions helps,
but it is not a actual way. 

it would be great if we have a control over the frames execution, I mean

A  calls B calls C calls D 

at that point if we think to move directly to B (what error handler do
if that B has the handler defined of the error), changing the frames
instruction pointer to back to the B's position (in python code without
raising an exception) is a really useful for this web applications.

Please excuse me if we have this control already, (can u explain?)

Date User Action Args
2009-06-29 13:30:40vinothsetrecipients: + vinoth
2009-06-29 13:30:40vinothsetmessageid: <>
2009-06-29 13:30:39vinothlinkissue6367 messages
2009-06-29 13:30:38vinothcreate