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Author gpolo
Recipients ajaksu2, gpolo, jlgijsbers, kbk, netvigator, rhettinger
Date 2009-04-23.11:58:56
SpamBayes Score 1.1809424e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Unfortunately this is not that easy for us, while we could add some code
like this:

import Tkinter

text = Tkinter.Text()
text.event_add("<<Up>>", "<Key-Up>")
text.event_add("<<Up>>", "<Key-KP_Up>")
text.bind_class("Text", "<<Up>>", text.bind_class("Text", "<Key-Up>"))

it won't work as most would expect. When numlock is on, it would still
move one line up. We could change it to fix this problem, but then we
would be using tk::TextUpDownLine which is marked as unsupported
(basically everything that could help us in such situations is marked as
I will be asking someone about all these unsupported commands.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-23 11:58:58gpolosetrecipients: + gpolo, rhettinger, kbk, jlgijsbers, netvigator, ajaksu2
2009-04-23 11:58:58gpolosetmessageid: <>
2009-04-23 11:58:57gpololinkissue1074333 messages
2009-04-23 11:58:56gpolocreate