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Author tweiler
Recipients georg.brandl, tweiler
Date 2009-04-06.21:30:22
SpamBayes Score 1.9800006e-10
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Let me defend my idea a little bit.

Some people hand code their UI's, some people put them into XML UI files
then load those files.

I'd like to create them using an OrderedDict.  I'm using the pyQT for a gui.

Attached is a really simple example program that creates little window
that doesn't really do anything except set up the interface.  Note the
use of a dictionary to set up the interface.  The OrderedDict is more
concise than XML, is Python Code not a separate file and easy to read.

This was inspired by the "builder" concept in Groovy.

Thanks for your time.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-06 21:30:25tweilersetrecipients: + tweiler, georg.brandl
2009-04-06 21:30:25tweilersetmessageid: <>
2009-04-06 21:30:24tweilerlinkissue5579 messages
2009-04-06 21:30:23tweilercreate