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Author sanders_muc
Recipients sanders_muc
Date 2009-04-05.22:24:47
SpamBayes Score 2.7056272e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The '-3' command line option in Python 2.6 is supposed to warn whenever
encountering something that would throw an error in Python 3. Mixing of
tabs and spaces has become illegal in Python 3. However, Python 2.6,
called with '-3', passes silently over this unless '-t' was given, too.

Would it not be more consistent to let '-3' imply '-t'?
Date User Action Args
2009-04-05 22:24:49sanders_mucsetrecipients: + sanders_muc
2009-04-05 22:24:49sanders_mucsetmessageid: <>
2009-04-05 22:24:47sanders_muclinkissue5704 messages
2009-04-05 22:24:47sanders_muccreate