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Author pitrou
Recipients benjamin.peterson, giampaolo.rodola, gpolo, gregory.p.smith, gvanrossum, pitrou, pupeno, purcell, rhettinger, skip.montanaro
Date 2009-03-30.19:21:57
SpamBayes Score 8.845843e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <1238441000.6888.56.camel@fsol>
In-reply-to <>
> Updated patch after sprinting on this with Michael Foord.
>  * update assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch to be a context manager.

Wouldn't it be simpler to make assertRaises return the exception and let
the calling code match it as it feels like?

(or, at least, find a shorter name than assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch :-))
Date User Action Args
2009-03-30 19:21:58pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, gvanrossum, skip.montanaro, rhettinger, gregory.p.smith, purcell, giampaolo.rodola, pupeno, benjamin.peterson, gpolo
2009-03-30 19:21:57pitroulinkissue2578 messages
2009-03-30 19:21:57pitroucreate