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Author ajaksu2
Recipients ajaksu2, tony_nelson
Date 2009-03-30.05:07:43
SpamBayes Score 0.0012085174
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
It isn't obvious to me that this issue is valid.

Some more context:

class _localbase(object):
    __slots__ = '_local__key', '_local__args', '_local__lock'

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
        self = object.__new__(cls)
        key = '_local__key', 'thread.local.' + str(id(self))
        object.__setattr__(self, '_local__key', key)
        object.__setattr__(self, '_local__args', (args, kw))
        object.__setattr__(self, '_local__lock', RLock())

        if args or kw and (cls.__init__ is object.__init__):
            raise TypeError("Initialization arguments are not supported")
Date User Action Args
2009-03-30 05:07:44ajaksu2setrecipients: + ajaksu2, tony_nelson
2009-03-30 05:07:44ajaksu2setmessageid: <>
2009-03-30 05:07:44ajaksu2linkissue1522237 messages
2009-03-30 05:07:43ajaksu2create