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Author YMohan
Recipients YMohan
Date 2009-03-26.18:47:03
SpamBayes Score 2.2889287e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hello All,

   OS - MAC 10.5.1
   Python 2.5.1
   Tk - 8.5.6

I am using the wm_attributes for transparency of top level window. But 
unable to do the same.  
The Tk wm attributes command takes option arguments
Let me know can I do on MAC system or Not? If not then please let me 
know what all changes are required into tkinter.

Thanks in advance.
Yogendra Mohan
Date User Action Args
2009-03-26 18:47:07YMohansetrecipients: + YMohan
2009-03-26 18:47:06YMohansetmessageid: <>
2009-03-26 18:47:05YMohanlinkissue5569 messages
2009-03-26 18:47:04YMohancreate