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Author ajaksu2
Recipients ajaksu2, gvanrossum
Date 2009-03-06.13:54:50
SpamBayes Score 3.977036e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Thanks for the feedback, Guido!

gvanrossum wrote:
> You could maintain this as a locally modified version, but a better
> approach would be to make just enough changes to itself so
> that you can write the rest of this script as a *wrapper* around

Yes, a wrapper is an option. MvL suggested a patch[1] and for this
initial implementation it makes things simpler. IIUC, in this case would need no changes, as we simply populate existing
options with fetched values.

> PS. What do you mean by "wish we could expunge the deleted ones"?  If
> you delete a Rietveld issue it is really gone.  If you merely close it,
> you can still delete it later.  But I'm probably missing something.

Yes, you're missing the fact that you were the one saying  "wish we
could expunge the deleted ones" :) fetched that from because I
told it to:
python static/ -R 400608 -F msg32813

Date User Action Args
2009-03-06 13:54:52ajaksu2setrecipients: + ajaksu2
2009-03-06 13:54:51ajaksu2linkissue400608 messages
2009-03-06 13:54:50ajaksu2create