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Author rhettinger
Recipients rhettinger,
Date 2009-03-05.03:55:28
SpamBayes Score 9.080259e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Can you make a single patch for Lib/ and Misc/NEWS and remove
any uses of emtpy/full in the standard library including multiprocessing.

Also, for deprecations, it's always nice to have the message suggest an
alternative, something like:  "The empty() method is deprecated and
scheduled to be removed in Py3.2.  Instead, use qsize() or catch a
queue.Empty exception."
Date User Action Args
2009-03-05 03:55:31rhettingersetrecipients: + rhettinger,
2009-03-05 03:55:31rhettingersetmessageid: <>
2009-03-05 03:55:29rhettingerlinkissue5420 messages
2009-03-05 03:55:28rhettingercreate