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Author terry.reedy
Recipients georg.brandl, terry.reedy
Date 2009-02-27.19:45:51
SpamBayes Score 3.8344446e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Example: LangRef / LexAnalysis / Identifiers

Green-shaded grammar section has 3 lines, 2 very long:

identifier  ::=  id_start id_continue*
id_start    ::=  <all characters in general categories Lu, ...
id_continue ::=  <all characters in id_start, plus character ...

so both online html and winhelp versions have a horizontal scroll bar

The 3.0.1 Windows Help version only displays 2 lines and adds a mini
vertical scroll bar at the far right to see the third.  If possible, it
would be better if it simply displayed 3 lines like the html version.

Experimentation indicates the following for all the green boxes: if the
type size is increased  or the window narrowed so that a horizontal
scroll bar is needed, html (at least as rendered by FireFox) adds it
*underneath* the green box, while Winhelp adds it *in* the green box,
taking up one line and thus hiding the last line of text, thus requiring
a vertical scroll to see that line, which then hides the top line (ugh).

Assuming that there is no configuration option or formatting directive
that can be put in the file to tell winhelp to act differently, a
partial fix would be to add an extra blank line, if possible, to every
green box on conversion to the winhelp version so that all lines would
be visible even when an (now irrelevant) vscroll appears.
Date User Action Args
2009-02-27 19:45:55terry.reedysetrecipients: + terry.reedy, georg.brandl
2009-02-27 19:45:54terry.reedysetmessageid: <>
2009-02-27 19:45:52terry.reedylinkissue5388 messages
2009-02-27 19:45:52terry.reedycreate