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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients chemacortes, jcea, mark.dickinson, pitrou, rhettinger
Date 2009-02-06.17:06:54
SpamBayes Score 0.00022158572
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hah.  Good point.  I'd forgotten about the taking-the-low-order-bits 
thing.  Should probably do some timings (and possibly also number-of-
collisions measurements) to find out whether using id() >> 3 actually 
makes any significant difference (either way) for dicts of objects.
Date User Action Args
2009-02-06 17:06:56mark.dickinsonsetrecipients: + mark.dickinson, rhettinger, jcea, chemacortes, pitrou
2009-02-06 17:06:56mark.dickinsonsetmessageid: <>
2009-02-06 17:06:54mark.dickinsonlinkissue5169 messages
2009-02-06 17:06:54mark.dickinsoncreate