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Author pb
Recipients pb, pitrou
Date 2009-01-20.20:07:54
SpamBayes Score 7.6722945e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Thanks for the feedback - looking again at the code it does seem like  
a recursive function may be stack overflowing.

I've managed to resolve the issue by rewriting some code, and suspect  
I was probably at fault. Thanks again, and please mark the bug as  
invalid if nobody else has any problems.

Peter Braden
Date User Action Args
2009-01-20 20:07:55pbsetrecipients: + pb, pitrou
2009-01-20 20:07:54pblinkissue5014 messages
2009-01-20 20:07:54pbcreate