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Author diazona
Recipients RafeSacks, diazona, exarkun, gvanrossum, ndim, theller
Date 2009-01-05.09:59:43
SpamBayes Score 0.013132697
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I just had the same problem in a call to inspect.findsource() 
(actually my code calls inspect.stack() which calls ... which calls 
findsource()). The code object passed to findsource() had a filename 
of "database/" which is the correct filename relative to 
sys.path, so in this case a simple fix would have worked: delete line 
82 of
 82        basename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
and use filename instead of basename for the rest of the function. (Or 
for a quick hack, change line 82 to just "basename = filename")

I'm using Python 2.5.2 but the relevant code in also 
exists in 3.0 (just checked).
Date User Action Args
2009-01-05 09:59:44diazonasetrecipients: + diazona, gvanrossum, theller, exarkun, ndim, RafeSacks
2009-01-05 09:59:44diazonasetmessageid: <>
2009-01-05 09:59:43diazonalinkissue1309567 messages
2009-01-05 09:59:43diazonacreate