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Author vstinner
Recipients ebfe, gps, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2009-01-03.02:55:44
SpamBayes Score 0.00087034854
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
ebfe> Here is another patch, this time for the fallback-md5-module

Please open a separated issue for each module, this issue is already 
too long and complex ;-) And it would be easier to fix other modules 
when patches for hashlib will be accepted ;-)
Date User Action Args
2009-01-03 02:55:45vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, gps, ebfe
2009-01-03 02:55:45vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2009-01-03 02:55:44vstinnerlinkissue4751 messages
2009-01-03 02:55:44vstinnercreate