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Author faw
Recipients faw
Date 2008-12-21.13:10:07
SpamBayes Score 1.4955434e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This behaviour has been known of course for quite long time. I suppose
this is not intentional so I've played a bit with this and I hope you'll
consider some little change.

Currently, if a ZIP archive contains some subdirectories then
zipfile.ZipFile.extract()/extractall() will create files instead of
directories in the target location. This of course will lead some
scripts to crash (unless any work-around has been done) because files
from the subdirectories couldn't be created.

Attached is a patch against current 2.7 tree. Applied, will make
extractall() extract properly all the contents of the archive with
proper tree structure. If a directory name is passed to the extract(),
it will only create the directory itself without the contents (I guess
it is obvious).
Date User Action Args
2008-12-21 13:10:11fawsetrecipients: + faw
2008-12-21 13:10:11fawsetmessageid: <>
2008-12-21 13:10:09fawlinkissue4710 messages
2008-12-21 13:10:08fawcreate