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Author jjlee
Recipients jjlee
Date 2008-12-02.20:46:10
SpamBayes Score 1.8913295e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
As required by RFC 2616 section 3.2.2, for all HTTP requests sent by
urllib2, the path component of the URI should be normalized to "/"
before the Request-URI derived from it gets passed to httplib (or
something functionally equivalent to that).  This was fixed in one case
in #2464, but the fix is in the wrong place, since it's a general
problem not specific to redirects.  See the longer discussion here:

(hmm, let's see if I can just say msg76736 and get a hyperlink)


import urllib2

Expect: sends "/?spam" in request line.

Got: sends "?spam" in request line.

Probably should be fixed by making Request.get_selector() return the
normalized URI reference (with the slash always present).  When fixing,
remember that the Request-URI of RFC 2616 (returned by .get_selector())
is sometimes a relative reference, and sometimes a URI (in RFC 3986's
Date User Action Args
2008-12-02 20:46:12jjleesetrecipients: + jjlee
2008-12-02 20:46:12jjleesetmessageid: <>
2008-12-02 20:46:11jjleelinkissue4493 messages
2008-12-02 20:46:10jjleecreate