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Author mrts
Recipients mrts
Date 2008-11-26.11:58:30
SpamBayes Score 5.3545834e-10
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The need to dynamically import module foo given a module name string
'' is quite common.

Quite often, the hack described in is
used (see e.g. the Google code results linked from the issue).

Quoting Brett Cannon from the issue:
"I plan to add a much simpler API to the imp module for people to use
directly so that these abuses don't continue."

Although there are reasonable workarounds, let the current ticket be a
remainder for Brett that his plan is indeed needed.

Perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to add yet another argument,
e.g. 'toplevel', to __import__, such that:

>>> __import__('') # toplevel=True by default
<module 'imprt' from 'imprt/__init__.pyc'>
>>> __import__('', toplevel=False)
<module '' from 'imprt/foo/foo.pyc'>

The latter can currently be achieved by

>>> __import__('', {}, {}, ['foo'])
<module '' from 'imprt/foo/foo.pyc'>

which is cumbersome if the module name is given in a string, resulting
in unnecessarily complex code:

modname = ""
>>> __import__(modname, {}, {}, [modname.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]])
<module '' from 'imprt/foo/foo.pyc'>
Date User Action Args
2008-11-26 11:58:39mrtssetrecipients: + mrts
2008-11-26 11:58:39mrtssetmessageid: <>
2008-11-26 11:58:37mrtslinkissue4438 messages
2008-11-26 11:58:35mrtscreate