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Author a.badger
Recipients a.badger, akuchling, bwelling, holdenweb, jafo, manekcz, nswinton
Date 2008-11-24.05:47:07
SpamBayes Score 0.0011895171
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
One further data point.   On two rhel5 systems with identical kernels,
both x86_64, both python-2.4.3... basically, everything I've thought to
check identical, I ran the test code with in an infinite loop.
 One system only has one TCP socket in use at a time.  The other one has
multiple TCP sockets in use, but they all close eventually.

/usr/sbin/lsof -p INTERPRETER_PID|wc -l reported 

96 67 97 63 91 62 94 78

on subsequent runs.
Date User Action Args
2008-11-24 05:47:09a.badgersetrecipients: + a.badger, akuchling, holdenweb, jafo, bwelling, manekcz, nswinton
2008-11-24 05:47:09a.badgersetmessageid: <>
2008-11-24 05:47:08a.badgerlinkissue1208304 messages
2008-11-24 05:47:07a.badgercreate