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Author oefe
Recipients oefe
Date 2008-11-21.22:15:16
SpamBayes Score 0.0018892058
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
test_dbm_dumb fails due to what appears to be a character encoding issue 
on Mac OS X:

Majestix:Python-3.0rc3 martina$ 
DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/Users/martina/Downloads/Python-3.0rc3: ./python.exe 
-E -bb ./Lib/test/ -l test_dbm_dumbtest_dbm_dumb
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2510>> ignored
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2510>> ignored
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2510>> ignored
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2510>> ignored
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2550>> ignored
Exception UnicodeEncodeError: UnicodeEncodeError('charmap', "'ü', 
(3072, 1)\n", 2, 3, 'character maps to <undefined>') in <bound method 
_Database.close of <dbm.dumb._Database object at 0x6a2550>> ignored
test test_dbm_dumb failed -- errors occurred; run in verbose mode for 
1 test failed:
Date User Action Args
2008-11-21 22:15:18oefesetrecipients: + oefe
2008-11-21 22:15:18oefesetmessageid: <>
2008-11-21 22:15:17oefelinkissue4382 messages
2008-11-21 22:15:16oefecreate