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Author pitrou
Recipients georg.brandl, loewis, phr, pitrou
Date 2008-10-16.12:43:12
SpamBayes Score 0.0008806822
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Well, perhaps the deque documentation should make it clear that random
access is O(n), rather than O(1) for a list. With this information it is
easy to infer that operations such as shuffle() can be much slower on a
Date User Action Args
2008-10-16 12:43:17pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, loewis, georg.brandl, phr
2008-10-16 12:43:17pitrousetmessageid: <>
2008-10-16 12:43:13pitroulinkissue4123 messages
2008-10-16 12:43:12pitroucreate