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Author skip.montanaro
Recipients rhettinger, roysmith, skip.montanaro
Date 2008-09-18.02:26:35
SpamBayes Score 7.4731844e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
What would you suggest?  The docs already say:

    Though list objects support similar operations, they are optimized 
for fast fixed-length operations and incur O(n) memory movement costs 
for pop(0) and insert(0, v) operations which change both the size and 
position of the underlying data representation.

How would you suck elements out of a list?  Probably with something 

    while mylist:
      elt = mylist.pop()

Aside from possible performance issues it's not clear that you would use 
a deque object differently than a list in this context.
Date User Action Args
2008-09-18 02:27:36skip.montanarosetrecipients: + skip.montanaro, rhettinger, roysmith
2008-09-18 02:27:36skip.montanarosetmessageid: <>
2008-09-18 02:26:36skip.montanarolinkissue3891 messages
2008-09-18 02:26:35skip.montanarocreate