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Author vstinner
Recipients ggenellina, vstinner
Date 2008-09-09.12:02:54
SpamBayes Score 0.00024556566
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Using gdb, I dig the problem:
 * when CTRL+c is pressed, signal_handler (sig_num=2) 
at ./Modules/signalmodule.c:175 is called
 * signal_handler() stores the signal has a "pending call"
 * Linux kernel interrupts its name resolution (it looks like it's the 
read() syscall?) and return the error ETIMEDOUT (110)
 * back to socket_gethostbyaddr(): result=110, h=NULL
 * gethost_common() set an error using set_herror(1)
 * socket_gethostbyaddr() return NULL

Later, Py_MakePendingCalls() will call signal_default_int_handler() 
which raises the KeyboardInterrupt.
Date User Action Args
2008-09-09 12:02:55vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, ggenellina
2008-09-09 12:02:55vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2008-09-09 12:02:55vstinnerlinkissue1755388 messages
2008-09-09 12:02:54vstinnercreate