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Author ggenellina
Recipients georg.brandl, ggenellina
Date 2008-08-28.09:31:54
SpamBayes Score 0.00429512
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The "Extending and Embedding" document still says, in section "Building 
C and C++ Extensions on Windows":
that a C extension may be called spam.dll or spam_d.dll

Since version 2.5 the file must be called spam.pyd or spam_d.pyd - 
the .dll file extension isn't recognized anymore.

A proposed doc patch is attached.
Date User Action Args
2008-08-28 09:31:58ggenellinasetrecipients: + ggenellina, georg.brandl
2008-08-28 09:31:57ggenellinasetmessageid: <>
2008-08-28 09:31:56ggenellinalinkissue3711 messages
2008-08-28 09:31:56ggenellinacreate