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Author lemburg
Recipients lemburg
Date 2008-08-04.16:36:15
SpamBayes Score 7.479552e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Here's the "make -d" output:

         Prerequisite `Parser/Python.asdl' is older than target
         Prerequisite `Parser/' is older than target
         Prerequisite `Parser/' is newer than target
        Must remake target `Include/Python-ast.h'.
./Parser/ -h ./Include ./Parser/Python.asdl
/usr/bin/env: No such file or directory

And these are the file times:

orig/Python-2.6b2> ls -l Include/Python-ast.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemburg users 20081 2008-03-30 08:40 Include/Python-ast.h
orig/Python-2.6b2> ls -l Parser/asdl*
-rw-r--r-- 1 lemburg users 11306 2006-03-01 23:49 Parser/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lemburg users 39771 2008-06-09 06:58 Parser/

Because Python-ast.h is older than the script used for generating it
(, it always tries to rebuild the .h file. Since this requires
Python to be installed, it fails on a machine that doesn't always have
an existing Python binary installed.

This happens in both 2.6b1 and 2.6b2.

I guess the release process should make sure that the Python-ast.h and
Python-ast.c are always newer than the scripts used to build them.
Date User Action Args
2008-08-04 16:36:17lemburgsetrecipients: + lemburg
2008-08-04 16:36:17lemburgsetmessageid: <>
2008-08-04 16:36:16lemburglinkissue3499 messages
2008-08-04 16:36:15lemburgcreate