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Author jjlee
Recipients BitTorment, facundobatista, frispete, jjlee, orsenthil
Date 2008-07-22.19:04:39
SpamBayes Score 6.7816e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> With respect to point 1), I assume that we all agree upon that headers
> should stored in Titled-Format instead of Capitalized-format. 

I would probably choose to store the headers in Capitalized-form,
because that makes implementing .headers trivial.

> Now, if we go for a Case Normalization at the much later stage, will the
> headers be stored still in capitalize() format? ( In that case, this bug
> requests it be stored in .titled() format confirming to many practices)
> Would you like to explain a bit more on that?

Implement .get_header() and friends using .headers, along the lines of:

    def get_header(self, header_name, default=None):
        return self.headers.get(
            self.unredirected_hdrs.get(header_name, default)).title()

And then ensure that the headers actually passed to httplib also get
.title()-cased.  This also has the benefit, compared with your patch, of
leaving the behaviour of non-HTTP URL schemes unchanged.
Date User Action Args
2008-07-22 19:04:44jjleesetspambayes_score: 6.7816e-05 -> 6.7816e-05
recipients: + jjlee, facundobatista, orsenthil, frispete, BitTorment
2008-07-22 19:04:43jjleesetspambayes_score: 6.7816e-05 -> 6.7816e-05
messageid: <>
2008-07-22 19:04:42jjleelinkissue2275 messages
2008-07-22 19:04:40jjleecreate