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Author exarkun
Recipients exarkun, theller
Date 2008-07-16.18:31:51
SpamBayes Score 5.4709402e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
ctypes.util assumes several things of its environment which sometimes
don't hold:

  * It depends on objdump being in $PATH.  If it isn't, it will fail to
read the SONAME from a library, even if it has determined the path to it.
  * If it uses ldconfig (which, unlike objdumb, it assumes it knows the
full path to and doesn't rely on $PATH to find), it fails to interpret
the results because the regular expression it applies doesn't define any

The attached patch is what I used to work around these issues in one
particular environment.  I don't claim the fixes to be general, and the
patch includes no unit tests.
Date User Action Args
2008-07-16 18:31:53exarkunsetspambayes_score: 5.47094e-05 -> 5.4709402e-05
recipients: + exarkun, theller
2008-07-16 18:31:53exarkunsetspambayes_score: 5.47094e-05 -> 5.47094e-05
messageid: <>
2008-07-16 18:31:52exarkunlinkissue3383 messages
2008-07-16 18:31:51exarkuncreate