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Author tenuki
Recipients jerry.seutter, nikolasco, tenuki, werneck
Date 2008-06-22.02:59:50
SpamBayes Score 0.016752115
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Some debugging helper code and my conclutions of one work day:
       one does triggers the bug, the other doesn't) 
       executes boths and compares its outputs
       applied to Objects/frameobject.c, adds some debug info.

What I found:
1. The CustomException is disappearing from locals()
2. PyFrame_FastToLocals() (from that .c file) is updating the locals, 
and removing that exception from there.
3. In the failing case this code:
                if (deref) {
                        value = PyCell_GET(value);
 is returning value==NULL.

Don't know why that happens.
But you could inspect out1.txt/out2.txt made with, and could 
discover something..
Date User Action Args
2008-06-22 02:59:55tenukisetspambayes_score: 0.0167521 -> 0.016752115
recipients: + tenuki, jerry.seutter, werneck, nikolasco
2008-06-22 02:59:54tenukisetspambayes_score: 0.0167521 -> 0.0167521
messageid: <>
2008-06-22 02:59:52tenukilinkissue2378 messages
2008-06-22 02:59:51tenukicreate