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Author complex
Recipients complex
Date 2008-06-21.15:31:49
SpamBayes Score 1.2065466e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Python 3.0b1, official MSI installer.

Checkout source code of this project:

Enter into the root of your working copy and try to build a Win32 installer:

C:\Python30\python.exe bdist_wininst

NOTE: You might want to replace the path above with you Python
installation path. Please ensure, that Python 3.0 is used, since all
other versions from 2.4 to 2.6b1 works well.

You will get the following traceback during the build process:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 37, in <module>
  File "C:\python30\lib\distutils\", line 149, in setup
  File "C:\python30\lib\distutils\", line 941, in run_commands
  File "C:\python30\lib\distutils\", line 961, in run_command
  File "C:\python30\lib\distutils\command\", line 177,
in run
self.create_exe(arcname, fullname, self.bitmap)
  File "C:\python30\lib\distutils\command\", line 263,
in create_exe
cfgdata = cfgdata + "\0"
TypeError: can't concat bytes to str
Date User Action Args
2008-06-21 15:31:57complexsetspambayes_score: 1.20655e-05 -> 1.2065466e-05
recipients: + complex
2008-06-21 15:31:56complexsetspambayes_score: 1.20655e-05 -> 1.20655e-05
messageid: <>
2008-06-21 15:31:55complexlinkissue3160 messages
2008-06-21 15:31:53complexcreate