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Author facundobatista
Recipients facundobatista, gtang, tim.peters
Date 2008-06-08.17:25:11
SpamBayes Score 0.00076630234
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>

A float takes 64 bits. 100 million floats take 800 MB, *just* the
floats. You're also building a list of 100 million places.

Maybe you shouldn't be building this structure in memory?

In any case, you should raise this issue in comp.lang.python, to get advice.

Date User Action Args
2008-06-08 17:25:12facundobatistasetspambayes_score: 0.000766302 -> 0.00076630234
recipients: + facundobatista, tim.peters, gtang
2008-06-08 17:25:12facundobatistasetspambayes_score: 0.000766302 -> 0.000766302
messageid: <>
2008-06-08 17:25:11facundobatistalinkissue3063 messages
2008-06-08 17:25:11facundobatistacreate