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Author owen
Recipients georg.brandl, owen
Date 2008-05-21.01:21:00
SpamBayes Score 0.010371592
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The 'documenting Python' document, section 4.1, at this url:
has an incorrect (but correctly spelled) word in one of it's sentences:

Macros which take no parameters but which should not be followed by a
word space do not need special treatment if the following character in
the document source if not a name character (such as punctuation).

The phrase "source if not a name" should be "source is not a name".

By the way, in attempting to classify this bug within the parameters
allowed, I observe that there is no correct 'Type' for this bug: none of
the allowed choices seem to apply.  It's not a "crash", "compile error",
"resource usage", "security", "behavior", "performance" or "feature
request".  I figured "feature request" would ring the fewest alarm
bells, so I used that.
Date User Action Args
2008-05-21 01:21:23owensetspambayes_score: 0.0103716 -> 0.010371592
recipients: + owen, georg.brandl
2008-05-21 01:21:18owensetspambayes_score: 0.0103716 -> 0.0103716
messageid: <>
2008-05-21 01:21:13owenlinkissue2933 messages
2008-05-21 01:21:10owencreate