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Author crayor
Recipients crayor
Date 2008-05-20.15:16:33
SpamBayes Score 0.0007529448
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
How can I change a variable that I defined in "" of a 
package called "common" from inside the .py file that imported the 
package? I think there is no way to do this, in contrast to when the 
variable is defined any other module of the same package but not in the 
specific "" module.

If there is a variable named let's say "fileList" in the 
module "" of the package "common" then I could modify the 
variable "fileList" from within the importing file like this:

from common.var import *
var.fileList = [ "bla", "blub" ]

So that the change of the value of "fileList" is seen when reading it 
inside a function of "" after this modification.

But when the variable is defined inside "" then the importing 
script cannot access it by writing:

from common import *
fileList = [ "bla", "blub" ]

And it cannot access it by writing:

from common import *
common.fileList = [ "bla", "blub" ]

Why are variables of "" module non-modifyable this way and 
all others of submodules of the same package are modifyable? Maybe 
there is this conceptional problem of the python language here or did I 
miss something?
Date User Action Args
2008-05-20 15:16:39crayorsetspambayes_score: 0.000752945 -> 0.0007529448
recipients: + crayor
2008-05-20 15:16:38crayorsetspambayes_score: 0.000752945 -> 0.000752945
messageid: <>
2008-05-20 15:16:37crayorlinkissue2930 messages
2008-05-20 15:16:35crayorcreate