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Author mishok13
Recipients donmez, mishok13
Date 2008-05-16.08:55:26
SpamBayes Score 0.03604214
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
>I think they at least should be supported on Linux then. 

And what happens if some Unix flavor (i.e. Solaris) adds new flag, say
O_NONLINUXSYNC and it has the same value as linux's O_ASYNC? And then
FreeBSD adds O_BSDSYNC flag with the same number and so on. Then Python
will have to have separate system-specific module for each *nix system
that uses Python. Why do you think Python maintainers would want that?

>It does work if you use the value itself anyway.

It's the way fcntl works -- it's just a thin layer on top of fcntl() and
ioctl() calls. But that's not a good reason for including non-posix
flags to 'posix' module
Date User Action Args
2008-05-16 08:55:31mishok13setspambayes_score: 0.0360421 -> 0.03604214
recipients: + mishok13, donmez
2008-05-16 08:55:31mishok13setspambayes_score: 0.0360421 -> 0.0360421
messageid: <>
2008-05-16 08:55:28mishok13linkissue2890 messages
2008-05-16 08:55:27mishok13create