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Author markveldhuis
Recipients kbk, markveldhuis, terry.reedy
Date 2008-05-11.16:49:22
SpamBayes Score 0.04624647
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>

I repeated the same steps as before, with new filenames, and with the
same result, the printed value was 1, and not 2 as expected. After
closing all windows the value was 2.

answers to Kurt's questions:

When you "open" a python file, exactly what steps are you taking?
->I use File - Recent file - <filename> from the menu

When you "close any combination of IDLE windows,( but not all)",
are you leaving open so you can "run" it?
->No, it occurs even when I close and reopen it using the
method above

When you "run" a file, exactly what steps are you taking?
->I press F5 when the window is active

When you add files to the tracker, please use plain text files so
they can be opened in a browser, without firing up Office!
->thanks for the tip!
Date User Action Args
2008-05-11 16:49:25markveldhuissetspambayes_score: 0.0462465 -> 0.04624647
recipients: + markveldhuis, terry.reedy, kbk
2008-05-11 16:49:25markveldhuissetspambayes_score: 0.0462465 -> 0.0462465
messageid: <>
2008-05-11 16:49:24markveldhuislinkissue2755 messages
2008-05-11 16:49:23markveldhuiscreate