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Author theller
Recipients theller
Date 2008-04-18.18:30:59
SpamBayes Score 0.11156669
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This patch implements a .from_buffer(source, offset=0) class method from
ctypes types.  'source' must expose a writeable buffer interface; the
created ctypes instance will share the internal buffer of the source
object; also it holds a reference to the source object to keep it alive.

The usual problems with the buffer interface are not hidden.

Open question:
Should there be an additional 'copy_from_buffer' class method that
accepts read-only buffer interface (as an alternative, an optional
'copy=False' parameter could be introduced)?
Date User Action Args
2008-04-18 18:31:04thellersetspambayes_score: 0.111567 -> 0.11156669
recipients: + theller
2008-04-18 18:31:04thellersetspambayes_score: 0.111567 -> 0.111567
messageid: <>
2008-04-18 18:31:03thellerlinkissue2655 messages
2008-04-18 18:31:02thellercreate