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Author jjlee
Recipients frispete, jjlee, orsenthil
Date 2008-03-30.14:56:49
SpamBayes Score 0.03224158
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
urllib2.Request.headers is, in practice, an undocumented public
interface.  Did you run the tests?  There is room for improvement here,
but not in the way you suggest.

python[1]$ python2.6
iPython 2.6a1+ (trunk:62045M, Mar 30 2008, 03:07:23) 
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
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>>> import test.test_urllib2
>>> print test.test_urllib2.test_request_headers_dict.__doc__

    The Request.headers dictionary is not a documented interface.  It should
    stay that way, because the complete set of headers are only accessible
    through the .get_header(), .has_header(), .header_items() interface.
    However, .headers pre-dates those methods, and so real code will be
    the dictionary.

    The introduction in 2.4 of those methods was a mistake for the same
    code that previously saw all (urllib2 user)-provided headers in .headers
    now sees only a subset (and the function interface is ugly and
    A better change would have been to replace .headers dict with a dict
    subclass (or UserDict.DictMixin instance?)  that preserved the .headers
    interface and also provided access to the "unredirected" headers.  It's
    probably too late to fix that, though.

    Check .capitalize() case normalization:

    >>> url = ""
    >>> Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"]
    >>> Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"]

    Currently, Request(url, "Spam-eggs").headers["Spam-Eggs"] raises
    but that could be changed in future.

Date User Action Args
2008-03-30 14:56:52jjleesetspambayes_score: 0.0322416 -> 0.03224158
recipients: + jjlee, orsenthil, frispete
2008-03-30 14:56:51jjleesetspambayes_score: 0.0322416 -> 0.0322416
messageid: <>
2008-03-30 14:56:50jjleelinkissue2275 messages
2008-03-30 14:56:49jjleecreate