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Author pitrou
Recipients anthonybaxter, christian.heimes, jafo, janixia, jhylton, loewis, pitrou, tim.peters
Date 2008-03-28.22:45:06
SpamBayes Score 0.0021040312
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Why hadn't I read #595601 in detail, it has an explanation: 

[quoting Jeremy Hylton]
The universal newline code is squirrels the FILE * in a
local variable, which is worse.  If it happens that
another thread closes the file, at best the local
points to a closed FILE *.  But that memory could get
recycled and then there's no way to know what it points to.

Even with careful coding, there's a small window between releasing the
GIL on our side, and acquiring the FILE-specific lock in the glibc,
during which the fclose() function can be invoked and release the FILE
just before we invoke another function (e.g. fseek()) on it.
Date User Action Args
2008-03-28 22:45:09pitrousetspambayes_score: 0.00210403 -> 0.0021040312
recipients: + pitrou, tim.peters, loewis, jhylton, anthonybaxter, jafo, janixia, christian.heimes
2008-03-28 22:45:08pitrousetspambayes_score: 0.00210403 -> 0.00210403
messageid: <>
2008-03-28 22:45:07pitroulinkissue815646 messages
2008-03-28 22:45:06pitroucreate