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Author gregory.p.smith
Recipients ddk, gregory.p.smith, trent
Date 2008-03-20.15:32:32
SpamBayes Score 0.041885726
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
BerkeleyDB is detected when make runs  Look in the output from
your make and you'll see a message about whether or not a useful
BerkeleyDB library and include files were found.

Typically this happens on linux distros because people do not have a
bsddb-dev type package installed containing the header files needed to
Date User Action Args
2008-03-20 15:32:34gregory.p.smithsetspambayes_score: 0.0418857 -> 0.041885726
recipients: + gregory.p.smith, trent, ddk
2008-03-20 15:32:34gregory.p.smithsetspambayes_score: 0.0418857 -> 0.0418857
messageid: <>
2008-03-20 15:32:33gregory.p.smithlinkissue2329 messages
2008-03-20 15:32:33gregory.p.smithcreate