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Author trent
Recipients loewis, trent
Date 2008-03-15.22:35:29
SpamBayes Score 0.27103734
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Martin, I've attached two patches required in order to get Tcl/Tk 8.4.16
to successfully compile on Windows x64.  I haven't included the patch to
external-amd64.bat (and pcbuild/readme.txt with updated build
instructions) yet as I wanted to confirm how you apply updates to the
external/ branch such that the buildbots can pick it up as well.

Note that I also dropped a generic standalone sed.exe into
tk-8.4.16/win, which is required for reasons that I couldn't be bothered
digging into in  You can grab it from

Also, wanted to query the role of 'COMPILERFLAGS=-DWINVER=0x0500' in
your recommended nmake flags; do we still need it?  I used the following
for x64 debug builds:

..\tcl8.4.16\win>nmake -f DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64
INSTALLDIR=../../tcltk64 clean all install

And for tk:

..\tk8.4.16\win>nmake -f DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64
TCLDIR=../../tcl8.4.16 INSTALLDIR=../../tcltk64 clean all install

Let me know how you want to deal with the tcl/tk patches and then we can
look at fixing external-amd64.bat and updating pcbuild/readme.txt.
Date User Action Args
2008-03-15 22:35:33trentsetspambayes_score: 0.271037 -> 0.27103734
recipients: + trent, loewis
2008-03-15 22:35:33trentsetspambayes_score: 0.271037 -> 0.271037
messageid: <>
2008-03-15 22:35:31trentlinkissue2296 messages
2008-03-15 22:35:30trentcreate