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Author loewis
Recipients christian.heimes, georg.brandl, loewis, ncoghlan
Date 2008-02-09.16:44:09
SpamBayes Score 0.008573721
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The defaulting of WINVER is indeed a compiler things; the problems
started when we moved to VS 2008 (so VC6 would certainly have a
different default).

Setting WINVER for extension modules wouldn't have helped with the Tcl
problem: Tcl/Tk itself gets compiled independent of Python -
Py_BUILD_CORE had no effect here. It *does* have effect on _tkinter,
since _tkinter is part of Py_BUILD_CORE.

Setting WINVER for all extension modules would be bad style. Some
modules may fail to compile - it's up to the module author to decide
what API level to build against.
Date User Action Args
2008-02-09 16:44:11loewissetspambayes_score: 0.00857372 -> 0.008573721
recipients: + loewis, georg.brandl, ncoghlan, christian.heimes
2008-02-09 16:44:10loewissetspambayes_score: 0.00857372 -> 0.00857372
messageid: <>
2008-02-09 16:44:10loewislinkissue1706 messages
2008-02-09 16:44:09loewiscreate