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Author loewis
Recipients Konjkov, georg.brandl, gvanrossum, kraai, loewis
Date 2008-01-25.08:19:19
SpamBayes Score 0.014539672
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I don't understand the ncurses issue:
you already disable the definition of _XOPEN_SOURCE in the patch, hence
_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED does not get defined, hence ncurses should not
define wchar_t. So what's the actual problem that this fragment solves?
As for stdlib.h: *Is* __WCHAR_T defined on your system, normally?

Re stack size: maybe I misunderstood what the patch does. Is it the case
that, with the patch, the interpreter won't crash, but gives a
RuntimeError instead?
Date User Action Args
2008-01-25 08:19:22loewissetspambayes_score: 0.0145397 -> 0.014539672
recipients: + loewis, gvanrossum, georg.brandl, kraai, Konjkov
2008-01-25 08:19:22loewissetspambayes_score: 0.0145397 -> 0.0145397
messageid: <>
2008-01-25 08:19:20loewislinkissue1722225 messages
2008-01-25 08:19:20loewiscreate