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Author facundobatista
Recipients bram_cohen, facundobatista, rhettinger, vila
Date 2008-01-05.20:12:04
SpamBayes Score 0.002487801
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
A lot of water passed through A lot of people made
corrections from Python versions 2.2 and 2.3.

Even me. I added timeout to it. And fixed recently (r58530) a problem
that could generate the second exception.

But how can check if this is solved?
Date User Action Args
2008-01-05 20:12:05facundobatistasetspambayes_score: 0.0024878 -> 0.002487801
recipients: + facundobatista, rhettinger, bram_cohen, vila
2008-01-05 20:12:05facundobatistasetspambayes_score: 0.0024878 -> 0.0024878
messageid: <>
2008-01-05 20:12:04facundobatistalinkissue920573 messages
2008-01-05 20:12:04facundobatistacreate